Introverts in Sales

Providing Insights to Sales Professionals
Hey Sales Warriors,
Welcome to a new year, where resolutions are as common as Monday morning coffee cravings. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for setting goals, but let’s face it – the resolution madness can be overwhelming. So, grab your favorite pen, put on your “Goal Digger” hat, and let’s talk about setting goals that not only stick but also make you want to high-five yourself.


As the CEO of Introverts In Sales, my expertise lies in understanding unique challenges and strengths of sales professionals, and providing personalized coaching to help them succeed.


1. Reflect on the Past with a Grin:
Before diving into the future, take a look back. What worked? What didn’t? Reflect on your victories and your oopsie-daisies. Maybe you closed that big deal you were chasing for months, or perhaps you accidentally sent a proposal to your mom instead of a client (true story, it happens). Reflecting with a grin sets the tone for a positive goal-setting journey.
2. Keep it SMART, not Silly:
Remember SMART goals? Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. It’s not just an acronym; it’s your goal-setting BFF. Be specific about what you want to achieve. Measure your progress in tangible ways. Ensure your goals are achievable yet challenging. Make them relevant to your overall sales strategy, and slap a deadline on them because, let’s face it, nothing gets done without a ticking clock.
Real Life Example: Instead of saying “I want to increase sales,” go for “I aim to increase monthly sales by 15% within the first quarter by implementing targeted outreach strategies.”
3. The Goldilocks Zone: Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold:
Setting goals is like finding the perfect porridge – it needs to be just right. Don’t aim so high that success feels like climbing Mount Everest, and don’t aim so low that you’re basically napping your way through the year. Find that Goldilocks zone where your goals are challenging yet achievable.
Real Life Example: If you closed 50 deals last year, reaching for 500 might be a tad ambitious. How about aiming for 75% more? That’s challenging, but it won’t leave you questioning your life choices.
4. The Rule of Three: Because Four is Too Many:
Keep it simple with the rule of three. Focus on three main goals. It’s like juggling – three balls are manageable; four are a circus act. Concentrating your efforts on a trio of goals ensures you’re not spreading yourself too thin.
Real Life Example: Instead of a laundry list of goals, concentrate on increasing client retention, boosting average deal size, and improving your response time to leads.
5. Add a Dash of Stretch:
While we’re on the topic of goals, add a dash of stretch. It’s like a mini workout for your ambitions. Stretch goals are the ones that make you think, “Can I really do that?” They might be a bit uncomfortable, but that discomfort is where the magic happens.
Real Life Example: If your usual response time to leads is 24 hours, a stretch goal could be reducing it to 12 hours. It’s a challenge, but not an impossible one.
6. Reward Thyself, O Goal Conqueror:
Setting goals isn’t just about the hustle; it’s also about the reward. Celebrate your victories, big or small. Did you land a significant client? Treat yourself to that fancy coffee you’ve been eyeing. Small wins deserve acknowledgment too.
Real Life Example: Closing that deal deserves more than just a nod. Treat yourself to something special – maybe a victory dance in the living room (with the curtains closed, of course).
7. Make Friends with Flexibility:
Goals are your guide, not your jailer. Be friends with flexibility because, let’s face it, life happens. You might discover a new strategy that works better, or you might face unforeseen challenges. Embrace the twists and turns with a smile, adjust your goals if needed, and keep moving forward.
Real Life Example: If the market takes an unexpected turn, be ready to pivot your goals. Flexibility is your secret weapon against the unpredictable.
In conclusion, dear sales compatriots, let’s set goals that make us excited to jump out of bed in the morning (or at least hit the snooze button one less time). Inject humor into the process, celebrate the wins, learn from the challenges, and let’s make this year one for the sales history books.
Cheers to kick-ass goals that stick and a year that’s as epic as your
Hey there, sales warriors! It’s your virtual sales manager dropping some wisdom bombs on what you should be doing daily to not just meet but crush that year-end quota. So grab your favorite coffee mug, put on your comfiest slippers, and let’s dive into the delightful world of exceeding expectations.
1. Morning Brew and Goal Review
First things first – brew that magic potion (coffee, obviously) and get cozy. Now, take a look at your goals. Yes, I know, numbers can be scarier than a Monday morning, but we’re not here to be scared. We’re here to conquer. Break down that big yearly goal into bite-sized, manageable chunks. It’s like trying to eat a burger without making a mess – one bite at a time.
2. The Power of Personalized Outreach
Time to reach out and touch someone… professionally. Forget the generic copy-paste emails; they’re as exciting as plain toast. Personalize your messages. Find out what makes your prospects tick. Dive into their LinkedIn profiles; it’s not stalking; it’s strategic research. And when you reach out, make it about them, not you. Show them you’ve done your homework, and you’re not just another automated message in their inbox.
3. Phone Calls: Your Secret Weapon
Ah, the phone – that ancient relic people used before texting. Dial those digits; it’s quicker than a tortoise on espresso. In the era of emails and chat, a phone call stands out like a unicorn in a field of horses. Have a chat, build a rapport, and for the love of all things sales, smile while you talk. They can hear it in your voice. You’re not just selling a product; you’re selling your fantastic personality.
4. Lunch Break: Fuel for the Sales Soul
Take a break! Seriously, don’t be a sales superhero on an empty stomach. Grab some lunch, preferably something that won’t put you in a food coma. We’re not here for a siesta; we’re here to hit targets. And remember, chewing is not a race. Savor that sandwich like it’s the taste of victory, which it will be when you crush your quota.
5. Follow-Ups: The Persistence Payoff
Ever feel like a detective following up on a cold case? Well, you’re not wrong. Follow-ups are your secret weapon. Prospects are busy; they forget. Remind them without being annoying. Persistence is like seasoning – just the right amount can turn a bland dish into a masterpiece.
6. Plan Tomorrow Today
Wind down by planning for tomorrow. Write down your to-dos, your follow-ups, and your victory dance moves for hitting quota. It’s like leaving a breadcrumb trail to success. And when tomorrow comes, follow that trail straight to glory.
So there you have it, inside sales champs. Crush your daily routine, inject humor into your conversations, and make exceeding your year-end quota as routine as your morning coffee. Now go out there and sell like you’ve got the cure for Monday blues!
Welcome, dear introverted sales warriors! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the world of selling in these delightfully unpredictable times. Grab your favorite cup of coffee (or tea, we don’t judge), and let’s embark on this rollercoaster ride of sales success.
In the ever-changing landscape of the business world, one thing’s for sure: uncertainty is our new BFF. But hey, who said we can’t turn it into an advantage? As introverts, we’ve been preparing for this our whole lives. Remember those long, solitary hours spent reading up on the latest industry trends? Well, it’s payback time!
So, you want to sell to new customers in this topsy-turvy world? Buckle up, because we’re going on a virtual safari. Start by stalking… uh, I mean, researching your potential clients online. Check out their social media, read their blogs, and understand their pain points.

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